måndag 7 november 2011

Day #6 - London Eye and shopping

Today started with a ride in London Eye. Mary wasn't in the mood for that so I went alone. The view was really amazing! I did take a lot of pictures but it is so complicated to upload them, so I just skip that. The whole ride took about 30 minutes, and was queuing for like 45. But it was defenietly worth it! After the Eye I went to King's Road to meet Mary. We had a coffee at Starbucks and then we just went for a stroll down the street and looked in some stores. The sun was shining and it was quite warm outside, very cozy actually!
Then we had lunch at a little restaurant, I can't recall its name, but it was really nice there. The waitor was nice and the food delicious! I had a fish and chips again, I just love it!
After the lovely lunch it was shopping time at Oxford Street. I thought the street would be much smaller, more like Drottninggatan in Stockholm, but it was very large. I liked it anyhow, there were so many good brands and stores!
Now it's time for bed, I have to get up early tomorrow.
xoxo Naomi 

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